2 October 2009

Visiting Mulah Nini =o)

Finally got to visit my mulah Nini Silat after a long while. It's awesome how there are sooo many people going to the kubur during puasa time. We used to go every other Friday to mulah Nini Hj Momin, but there were barely any other people. Ani macam, public place tarus wah. I quite like it though. Feels nice banyak urang.

Money money

We also went to another place near the that Atirah Plaza. Better view though.

Align CentreYou can see my brother Sinadam taking his awesome pictures.

Picture On Anak Brunei!


I've started my Med course in University of Leicester now. It's quite awesome, settled in well and met the other freshers this evening. But will blog about that soon. Want to show off my house too anyway. Hehe.

THE IMPORTANT THING. Aku sakai saja wah ni. Jangan judge okayyyy. I have my photo on anakbrunei!!! Gila awesommme. Heehee.

Sama Nora, her parents and Fidz

Kay, that's all.


9 September 2009

The Feeling of Nafsu

WE had a Sungkai Outing the other night at Pines Restaurant. Had assorted meats for grilling, 3 portions of Dolsot Bibimbap (rice with fresh veggies, to be mixed egg yolk. served in a stone bowl) and 5 servings of Sushi. Loads of sushi. The experience was gooood. Even Soon and Chern changed their minds about the place. Personally I think they were with cooler, funner and awesomer people this time. Haha.

Then we went off to eat ice cream at Snow House. FINALLY. After much hearing about the place from everyone, I have finally gotten the privilege to locate it and actually go in it to eat. Had this Mango Ice thing. Amaaazzinnnnng~~~ [high pitch style]

Managed to get some gay ass geeks lurking arond the area. =op

Weirdo Tunggul Geek. Hehe.

and then he found a friend. oppostie in every way ......except for the weird part.

No offence intended. Only pure playfulness. I love you guys =o) Au, especially you twinnnnn.


The Memories

Main entrance to Nini's House in Kampor Sungkai Kedayan 'A'

MY mom asked me to accompany her to Kampong this morning to get the Roti Cornflake thing from a family friend. (you know, yang padas2 ah.) This was my first time driving to Kampong and my first time parking on the side of the road. Nothing hard, apart from the huge chuncks of potholes on the side of the road for the parking area and the fact that the road is next to the Brunei River. Hahaha. [thumb up]

We stared going all "awhhhh~", "aaaaaiiiii" and "siiiigghhh~" as soon as we arrived. By the time mummy started to reminisce about the past with my Nini Limah and her daughter, she was in tears. Aigooo. It is kinda sad though. I grew up in the damn huge and wide house. The memories in it are priceless. "Time may continue but it will never erase those memories".

So anyway, we took some pictures. Well, more like my mum pushed me on taking one.

The jalan tu Kadai Hj Salleh
...okay I need to loose weight.

7 September 2009

Increase in Domestic Potentials

I HAVE never been so domestic in my life. Then again, it is the Puasa season. In the afternoon, I help in the kitchen from about 4pm? Then Sungkai, then Terawikh. Followed by having tea in Serusop. And then assisting my mom again in the kitchen. That's preeettty much how my plan of the day is. Well at least now there are penyungkaians held by my uncles and aunties to look forward too. And I have a Sungkai out later with the girls.

So I've been cooking. Learning to cook because of living abroad I guess is pretty much part of growing up. This season is the best time to learn cooking man. And learn the legacy my mummy has been bestowing upon me. I've been cooking thing's like Buttermilk Chicken (easy I know), Blackpepper Crab, Ikan masak merah, Udang masak merah and even simple things like Lauk Berabus merah and putih. The taste? ........Tolerable I might say?? Haha.

I pretty much have a lot of pressure on me now. Cause lots of people are expecting me to be quite a good cook. Tell you a secret. I'm not really. =op Ah well, we'll just have to wait for them to find out when we arrive in UK.

I made some Kek Batik the other day. The modern style. Verdicts: Nyaman but manis. Haha.

ps: I'm flying off the night pf "Meliat Anak Bulan". Hoping so much it can't be seen. Too much burden there. Sigh.


1 September 2009

The Feeling of Pity

I WOKE UP to a moody weather decorated with a mushy grey sky. My new alarm ring tone of Maria Maria by Santana rang enthusiastically. This was a bad choice considering I kept pressing on the “stop” button for every 15 minute alarm interval I have set the night before.

I was obliged to accompany my mom and my sister-in-law out for the late afternoon. Driving through the rain. Horrah. While walking along the Teguh Raya area, I saw one of the workers patiently trying to shoo a little orange brown kitten. I was instantly glued to my feet, eyebrows rising and my heart feeling sorry for the little thing. The rain was pouring, the baby was wet, hungry and alone. [cries] It hurts to see how other people aren’t giving it any attention, not giving any pity to the thing. How I wish I could have become the kitten’s hero. I would’ve scooped it up right away and kept it as a pet if it wasn’t for my mom’s hatred/fear of smelly furry little animals. All I could do was stare at it with feeling of regret. Huhu.

Imagine how the cat was feeling from its point of view…

Hmmm. That was some good fish.

Mommy had brought us to the “magic supplier building”. The place was marvelous! Colourful plastic bags everywhere filled with every imaginable thing. We walked around sniffing them until Mommy called us out to her. I could already smell the sweet scent of fish. Yummm!!

After much cleaning up with our cute little tongues, my siblings and I went to play around the alley. Mommy told us to be very careful. It was going to rain soon. We asked her not to worry. We were invincible! Mommy just laughed but kept a good look at us.

We were playing hide and seek superheroes style when I noticed a little movement behind a trash can. My natural senses were tingling. Hmmm. Maybe I should take a look. I stalked stealthily towards it and just caught a little glimpse of a brown tail. Heehee. I was filled with sudden glee. A mouse!! Just wait till Mommy finds out what I’ll achieve today! With slow agile movements I try to trace its footsteps. When I thought the moment was right, I pounced dangerously onto it. Oh no! It slipped away! But suddenly the rain came down as if someone poured water on the clouds and squeezed them straight away. I noticed there were more cars on this side of the area. Movements of huge human beings could be seen everywhere. I realized that I was not on familiar grounds.

Where am I?

I was cold and wet. I had to find a shelter. Looking around with what my vision could provide me; I saw a stationary car and ran towards it. Oh yaye! Thank you God. I tried to lick myself dry and clean. It was no use; the wind blew little sprays of water underneath the car. All I could do was cuddle up and wish that the rain will go away. I grew scared and tried to calm myself down, singing a lullaby that Mommy always sings to us. Mommy...

It felt like ages before I opened my eyes. I couldn’t tell what time it was because of the weather, but I was hungry again. It must be late afternoon. It was still raining but less hard. I put up with the little courage I had and walked out from under the car. I arrived in front of a huge space with even more colourful bags and people going in and out of it. There were songs playing about this ‘Hari Raya’ thing and constant ring keeps coming out from a machine where people seem to queue up. I wonder if there is any food in there. Suddenly a dark hand pushes me away from my destination. “Shoo, shoo!” Oh, but I just want to have a looksy. I won’t bother anyone sir. Please sir.

But of course, all the man could hear was my pitiful meows. I persisted on trying to go in, but he finally won. I saw a girl in a long head scarf staring at me, her eyes wide open, with obvious feeling of sorry for me. Yes, please come and help me. I saw her look at her mother and made an apologetic face. As if she wanted to help but couldn’t. That’s okay Miss. I think I can take care of myself. She walked away with regret.

My concentration shifted to the aromatic smell of chicken coming from somewhere and followed it. I headed towards the end of the long building. Every time someone opened the door of the entrance, I kept having a whiff of the enchanting aroma. Oh how I wish I could have some. But still no one came to my rescue.

Oh. What was that?

A pile of unclean chicken bones are placed on the side of the building. But they were too close to the rain. I might get wet… At this instant my angry hungry stomach grumbled at me. Fine.

As soon as I arrived there, a low growling noise came from the back alley. It was another big dusty white cat. With ugly eyes. Oh no. It wants the food. At the moment when I noticed that the big cat was actually angry, I decided that this must be his food and he think I’m stealing it. I started to walk slowly away when it came to attack me. But mister, I didn’t even touch it! He was too furious too listen. I tried to defend myself with what strength my little body could provide. It was a good thing I was quite fast compared to him so I could dodge as much of his attacks as possible.

Suddenly I was caught in a corner. Mr Ugly looked quite happy at that fact. He was about to pounce on me when another cat pushed it away. It was Mommy!! And Uncle Ned with my siblings as well! Mr Ugly was outnumbered. He was forced to leave his precious food.

Oh Mommy! I was so scared!

“It’s okay honey. Mommy’s here. I’m here to protect you now.”

The world can be so cruel when you are alone and there is no one to shelter you from it. People can be so ignorant to you when you are different even though deep down inside, helping you was the right thing to do.

31 August 2009

Holy Month

ISABELLA could hear the impatient honks from the car downstairs.

“Kaka Bell!! Hurry up!”

“Yes yess…” she replied hurriedly trying to concentrate on locking the main door. It was 5 minutes to Isya by the time Isabella got in the car. The usual religious songs were playing on the radio while she and her brother sang along to them.

“Whoaahh… talk about second day of Terawikh man!” Cars were overflowing from the compound of the mosque. Even from the shopping complex opposite it.

“Nahh… who told you to be late? I’m not even sure if we can find any space to park the car,” replied my dad. It’s amazing how semangat people are when Ramadhan had just arrived. It’s nice to see a lot of people walking around the compound of the mosque. Men with their Cara Melayu or Kain Sarong while women with their telekungs. You only get to walk around in telekungs in Mekkah. I tell you that.

It was Isabella’s first season of puasa here in Brunei after missing it for two years of “celebrating” it in UK instead. The difference is quite obvious especially the atmosphere. Here the government allows shorter office and school hours. Not to forget holiday on the first day of fasting and the never ending adverts on discounts in every imaginable stores.


Isabella was walking slowly out of the mosque, in a daze thinking about the food at the Pasar Malam and the Stadium. Suddenly a finger poked her hips. She barely had any reaction since she was immune to these attacks. She turns and sees a familiar face. Hazel shaped eyes, a cute little nose and that mischievous smile that has never changed since they were in Form 2.

“Laina! Ohmigosh! I haven’t seen you since you went to Phillipines. How are you?”

“Hey bebs. Doing okay. Back now for about a month. Going to uni soon. You?”

“Same here. Too bad I’m leaving right before Hari Raya celebrations man.”

“Awwhh. That’s too bad. Hey, you know what? I miss those times when we debate about stuff.”

Laina and Isabella used to spend hours discussing about random topics. Things like the society, the tree, about our life in this world and even about the reason people pick their nose during driving!

“Now that you mentioned it, I was going to say something about Terawikh. You know what? I think it is actually like a form of exercise!”

“What are you taaaalking about??”

“Think about it. You know how Terawikh is uber long, 20 rakaats? Imagine the fact that you fast the whole day, you metabolism becomes low. Then some people might eat their hearts out during sungkai and just sit or lie down after that. I presume Allah advices we should not just sit around like that… C’mon it Ramadhan. Lebih baik beribadah.”

“Hahahaha. You sound like those iklan on RTB about puasa”

“… I know right! ‘Inda bah kita aniiii. Aku ani kan becerita ganya nyaintaaaaaa~’”

By this time both of these two enthusiasts were making their way to the parking lot.

“But I get what you mean Isabella. There’s so much stretching, sitting down and standing up. I guess we can call it relaxed exercise. Like yoga or tai chi or something.”

“Especially good for the elderlies.”

“And it’s totally beneficial. Your body is moving and you’re also doing ibadah to Allah.”

“Ahh… but there’s also the fact that people do only 8 rakaats. What do you think are the reasons?”

“Well… there are a few. Firstly they might have other obligations and they still want to do this optional task, so this is an decision they can choose. After all, we want to make as much Pahala as possible. Secondly,”

“Isabella! Hurry up; it’s time to go,” the voice of Isabella’s mom was heard from their car of which she vaguely remembered its position. She looked around the dim-lit parking area and found her ride home.

“Mann… I gotta go Laina. Sorry. How shall I contact you? Same phone number?”

“Haha don’t worry. My parents are waiting for me too,” she points to a nearby car already occupied by her parents, “yes, same number.” She turned to leave but stopped. “Ooooh, facebook me!”

“Ooh great idea. Facebook is the penultimate socializing site man!”

Both of them giggled. It’s fun to be silly girls once in a while. Isabella skipped to her awaiting family and entered the car. She started her routine on changing from her telekung into her head scarf as they were going out to have a drink. Yet again.

Isabella took in the view of the traffic around the mosque. “Why do I have to suffer from going home late just cause of this minum, and then cook for sahur?” She started weighing out the reasons and consequences of the situation on the short ride to the usual café they go to.

10 August 2009

Old Stories Told

I had just spent my morning eating bubur with my grandmother and my mom. It's this place in around Pulaie. That bangunan that has a lot of stalls and opposite it ada urang jual chicken. There was this one time when my late grandfather wanted to send me to school and he was like
"bah, lakastah singgah sekajap makan bubur."

"....mmmmm bahhh..." unsure of wanting to go as I was afraid to be late for school. I wasn't and still am not much of a fan of bubur anyway.

So we had some bubur. AND IT WAS QUITE AWESOME. Haha. I think this is the only bubur that I actually will like. When we arrived at the school, there were barely even anyone there! Imagine how uber early I left the house. AND how early I woke up.

So the the grandmother, mother and grandaugther had a few journeys here and there. Mama bali ipin, aku bali Easikad for nini, hantar ujian papers to be photocopied... etc etc. All these while, my nini keeps talking in the car. She talks about how her credit, finished all in one go, talks about her children and talks about my brothers! My mom repeats again and again with the same reply to each statement but in different ways. Haha usually these situations answers my question why my mom is such a nagger =op But of course I still love my mummeh. Think this is what they mean by like mother like daughter. Think I inherited this trait as well -.- So don't blame me. Here are some of the things she mentioned about my brothers.

Bang Piq
Nini: Si Sapiq masa damit atu, kana sayangi tu oleh nini nya. Inda buleh di marahi tuu. Si Ammat (bukan nama sebenar. hehe.) kan marahi pun inda kana suruh. Cucu pertama kali tu ah.
Mimi: Apeehh, indakan
Mama: Astaah, masa di KL lagi, nini mu batanya si Apiq, inda kau memmmbali baaaju laaai (dengan nini2 urang tua accent). Nya abang mu inda payah nii.
And apparently mulah nini gave him like RM100 to buy a baju
Mimi: Auah, tu abang masih pakai numbur nini Silat bagi ah.

Bang Wi
Nini: Si Awi atu lagi tia, pelawan tu. Inda mau mau kan membali Aeroplane. Yang basar lagi tu. 5ringgit 10ringgit pulang ganya. Tapinya dulu atu bukannya kan beduiit. Duiii lillaaahh. Ada lagi mengambil ia surat khabar, membuat tia kapal trabang ah, nggiuuuung, ngggiiiuuuung.
Mama: Hahahaha. Au si Awi atuu. Ani ia pulang membawa kapal terabang!

Bang Wan
Mama: Ih, si wan atu lagi damit putih tu ma ah, lampuh lagi.
Mimi: Hahahahahahaha. Masa ani opposite berabis. Hitam and kurus.
Nini: Tapi bagus tu si Wan atu, pendiam sikit.

I think this all started when my nini saw a baby picture of me in the car. Saying how huge my eyes were, and how huge and fat i was. (THAAANKS niiii. haha.) Then they started talking about how much I liked to eat back then and pretty much how my body is currently evolving back to when I was a baby. (weight-wise of course) Well, at least this will add up to the piles of intriguing stories about my siblings when they were younger.

My youngest brother Anih is turning 16 tomorrow! Horra!

21 July 2009

Babies In The Family

WELL. If you think they're not cute, think again.

..apakan. Anyway.

Alai Faaruq.
Currently my favourite. He usually makes weird and questioning faces everytime you try to make him laugh. It's as if he's saying "...are you...okay?" Hahaha. Love everybit of him apart from the constant drool. Last time he got excited with the power sockets. KIUT JUA TU!! I would think he'll turn out to be a very handsome boy. Turns out he can say "apaa~? apaa??"

Our very own Michael Jackson =op I have a video of him dancing to Beat It. I think. Will check again later. Anywhere there's music he can just shake his cute lil body to the beat! When you say "tangan Jenul, tangan!" He would put up his arm up to his head, and start shaking that too. Pintar lagi tu, if you ask him to close the door, he will. Basically he now understand mostly what people are saying lah.

She's really smart. She's......well I dunno how old she is. But she knows how to talk properly now. As in her pronounciation is quite good. Usually if you play with her, she'd react. Kadang2 mengusut. Haha last time in Rizqun, I went "hi Balqiiiis." Suddenly, out of nowhere, she replied with he cute voice, "hai Kaka Mimi..."Awhhhhh. She said my name!

There's another baby called Ashraf. He slept in my arms the other day=o) He used to be afraid of other people. Kept clinging on he mommy. BUT HE KNOWS ME NOWWW. Mwahahahaha.

Don't worry guys, I'm not even thinking of having my own baby yet. Haha yes, I'm safe. Will not take desperate measures. I have like...30+ cousins? Banyak lagi masih kanak2. So I have unlimited supply of kids to play with. Hahaha.

Malas ku usai malay to italics.

Wassalam =oD

15 July 2009


SUCKS WHEN I watch a sappy movie about couples in love I get that feeling like my heart is being squeezed like someone's juicing a lemon. Then the past memories come hunting by. Mostly memories when I was hurt so bad, the scenes are still vivid in my head. Call me sad, I don't care. It's just a thing that I've gotten since forever. I can easily imagine things in my head. This is one of the reasons why I can't watch horror / ghost stories. The images from the movies are outlined so well, I get goosebumps every time I do it. Only last night, after sending Ka Mala off and an unplanned return to my house alone, which can be reached only after a series of hills, dark and winding roads. Kept reciting the surahs and preventing myself from looking anywhere else except the main road in front of me. Heehee.

Sigh... I got majorly thrown away twice. There was once I my heart ached so hard, I could literally feel as if it was crushed into tiny particles. (eseh, sciency. oh no, hilang tia moment) During the few months my mind was in a state of haze eventhough it looked like I was all okay with it. When people started talking about relationships I tried to keep quite or tried to change topics. When people ask me about my past relationships I just smile and shrugged, saying, "ah? haha entah..." I couldn't even watch stupid love movies and read the novels. Duii lillahh. If it were a few weeks before the incident I'd say to the person, "OH COME ONN. There has GOT to be something else you can think about". But since I myself had felt it, turns out it wasn't so easy at all. Guess it's normal for people to be in this phase? I don't know.

Buuut, I'm super okay now. There's somebody who can make me smile. Although, at times a feel I feel really guilty due to the fact that I'm just not ready yet. Sucks. Guess it's denial, guess it's just fear. Of getting hurt. I start to care for people so easily that next thing you know, my friend tells me how the other person talks behind my back. My friends hate the bit of me not minding and melayan people that they don't like =op I hate it too. [shrugs] What to do?

Anyway! I've shared and blabbered wayy to much! Not everyone's goina read this whole thing anyway.

MOMMY's BIRTHDAY TODAY!!!! I'll post about that later. Gotta wake up early tomorrow. Doa kesyukuran thing in Rizqun tomorrow night. Horra horra.

13 July 2009

My First Youtube Video!!



11 July 2009

Here Comes the Bride and Groom


On the 10th of July at 4.49pm, my brother Syazwan got married to Kaka Mala in the acara bernikah in Masjid Omar Ali Saifuddien =oD Bang Wan got the sentence thingy in one go. Semangat wah tu, bini nya yang tersangat lawa dapan nya. Heehee. May their marriage akan berkekalan and happy-happy selalu.

Love you guys!

Since there's a gathering in my house every night from the day I arrived, I've been sleeping around... 4 am?? I didn't even feel tired and had to listen to something to go to sleep. Haha. I think it's the jet lag pulang sebenarnya. I was a major karaoke girl when the day I came back. The karaoke has been going on everynight this week and stops at around 12 o'clock in the morning! I thought to myself, if I were the neighbour, I'd be like "baie kali, bising wah". It's a good thing my family's voices are quite awesome =op

Bersanding tomorrow! Gotta have a good night sleep.


8 July 2009

My Mommy

MY MOM IS SO HAPPY I'M HOME, she was singing the Malay song "Isabella" with her own lyrics. Haha kiut. It went like

"Hasba Villa adalah, cantuman nama suami isteri.
Anak cuma lima, tapi ada seorang puuuuteri"

And it went on and on about the house, her house work, etc etc.

Right. I'm off to cleaning up my room now before the girls come over. With their masks. I tell you, the level of scared-ness towards swine flu in this country is suuper up there. I've blogged too much...better get on the life I have before I lose it, macam urang main Sims =op


just take it easy

DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH SLEEP for the two days before I flew back

did so much packing

luggage was overweight. thank god Faai and Nadia was there to help.

too tired, had to sleep on the flight from London to Dubai. (usually I only sleep on the second flight to adjust jet lag)

program for the tv thing on the plane DIDN'T WORK. (????*^&%$#@@!!!)

thanks to the overweight luggage, I brought my Learn Korean thing and actually learned a LOT.

couldn't sleep at all during the flight from Dubai to BSB. good thing by this time the tv works.

hahahaha aku liat cerita Hindustan, starrng Shah Rukh Khan.

arrived and had a stomach ache - everytime I fly, I get indigestion. also, the pressure causes... well... certain gases to expand. =op

slept the whole afternoon.

spent the night having cousins around. karaoke, guitar heroes competition, Loto (lotto?) and food~~

baju kurung for Bang Wan's birthday salah sleeves nya. so thinking of someone to help me arah Mrs Co/Koh ( I still dunno to this day how to spell her actual name)


7 July 2009

Wash You Hands Too



2 July 2009

New Hair Galore!

ZAZ JUST GOT HER HAIR CUT TWO DAYS AGO! Hahaha kiut ah. There are comments that say she looks like a little boy (geraldine) and others say she looks super 70s. Macam wonder girls ah. Last night we went out for dinner in Strada. Was quite awesome. Got back, and had a 'slumber party'. Only difference was... we'll just sleep in our own rooms at the end of the day. We did some girly stuff last night - doing each other's hair and watching ling dance =op (no, it's now what your dirty mind is thinking okay)

Haha Ling and Zaz. Apologise for my lack of professionalism in censoring. Heehee panas wahh. Sorry Zaz=o)
There was also arm waxing. Shin and Geraldine.

And hairstyling.

=oDDD first time ku ada fringe cemani. Sorry ah posing. Gali pulang ku benarnya kan this picture. [shivers]

30 June 2009

got my hair permed

Been ages since I wanted a wavy hair. FINALLY HAVE IT.

The process is basically, putting my hair into four sections, and in these four sections, they use the colourful foam rods (a long sponge thing with a wire inside) to curl my hair around them. At this point, I looked like a moose with colourful tanduk.

Then they put this ammonia smelling chemical on my hair, to break the bonds. After a quarter of an hour, she washes my hair and added the neutraliser which will make new bonds in my hair in the position it is in. And WALAH~ curly hair made. To be honest, when the rollers were removed, and my hair was still wet, I thought I looked like a poodle. Gila bida. Haha but now its satifactory=o) Not amazing pulang. Haha.


28 June 2009

Thorpe Park Adventure

WE SPENT LAST WEDNESDAY, 29th JUNE waking up to an amazing weather, filled with laughter and adrenaline. Oh, and inorganic material commonly known as food.

And of course, the team was filled with thrill seekers of Chelt ladies, most of whom did not know what to expect from this amusement park.

Behold, the Lap Group, with their SHHHHHHH! t-shirt
(I tell you now. Hahaha. I've never had much of a liking of wearing the same shirt as everybody else. Especially if it's just soooo obvious. You see, HAHA I'm one of those people who despise and practically ucap2 them. So they should know how MUCH I love them to do this=op). We kept having people shushing us when the four of us were walking together. Most of the time we go like "wth, what did I do??" and barutah sadar baju kami ani SHHHHHH! Haha paluii.
The Elizabeth girls

And not to forget Beale and Cambray!!

Obviously there was so much waiting. It's good to be with friends, so that we can chit chat and share stupid lame jokes.
Of course, even though we were happy, actually we feel like this inside.

And there are people who just can't wait that long. Ling.... it's not a zoo...

But then came the rides..

And the food...

After lunch, we broke into groups. All in all the day was quite amazing eventhough Geraldine and I didn't go on much rides. I tell you now, si Zaz and Shin are TOTAL THRILL SEEKERS MAN. Haha I think they went on like, SIX roller coasters?? There was this really cool one which was a backward roller coaster in THE DARK. Haha I actually wanted to try that, tapikan, scardy-cat wahh (? cana kan tu spelling nya).

Ah well, so now we know that there are people who prefer to have that adrenaline rush and others don't. It's your preferance in life. You can't force that person feel what you feel. Unless you've never actually been on one, then you should give it a try juuust incase you're actually a crazy thrill-filled person. Me? I've been on a few shocking rides, and that's enough for me to imagine the feeling of pressure everytime you're pulled up, down and sides to sides even by just looking. I wonder if this is a sense of emphaty as well? Hmmm...

Looky what pictures I've got with people wearing my red/"orange" shades! Some I couldn't get on photos though...

Those are supposed to be lips btw. Hahaha.
