22 May 2010


It's great to see people are blogging again.

Obvious reason: procrastination on revision. Or most probably just cause they want to let off some post-exam steam.

Me, I really want to finish reading all the books that I've bought for the past year. Taking this course doesn't really help my indulgence in my hobbies. I used to love to read. In my room, on the bed, on the floor, in the classroom, in the car - be it morning or night. HAHA I remember I used to light up my book with my phone or even move my novel here and there to catch the passing light from the lamp posts!

Here is one interesting book I haven't finish reading - Trust Me, I'm a Junior Doctor. Pretty much an insight to a life I would go through insyaAllah in 5 years time..

I've been into QI since forever and have not been investing much into it. I love interesting facts. So I would probably buy these books after exams! Just cause.

Also, being in this course, together with the internet and the new series I can see online is SO NOT helping my artistic side. Mubies had a really famous painting for his Mac the other day:

A Sunday Afternoon on The Island of La Grande Jatte - Geroges Seurat

Back then I would've know the name of this painting and I would've know the artist who painted it. Sighh... I miss art. Hahahaha. Emo. But that's okay. Exams are ending on the 9th of June. Then chill. Then spend time with a special someone. Then hardcore studying again. Then a loooonng holiday!

Goals for holidays: invest in hobbies - paint / draw and read novels, learn playing the piano and get better Korean.


One week and one day till ESAs!!!!!

17 May 2010

Revision Season

I can't believe I fell asleep in the midst of my revision.

I guess it wasn't really surprising considering this is the dullest and most boring module for me - Membrane and Receptors. This module reminded me of Molecules, Genes and Diseases in the first semester. (Yeap, pretty much slept every end of the lectures).

I would've preferred studying in the silent library in my own world of iTunes + cells. But it was after I came home that I knew Faipoo and Boobies (bukan nama sebenar) were at the library. So where the only other two Bruneian medics in Leicester are studying intently the third one is struggling to concentrate on her workbook. Sigh.

Pretty much everyone's status on Facebook and Twitter are about revision or exams in one way or another. All I can think about is revision revision. When I eat, I think of what I'm going to study afterward, when I'm about to sleep I think of what I'm going to revise the next day. When I'm in lectures, I think of what I had just revised. IT'S CRAZYYYY. I guess at the back of my mind I really do not want to fail. I guess my fear is to not be a doctor at all and the embarrassment of failing. I've felt it once, and I promise I WILL NEVER fail again. InsyaAllah.

Anyhoos. Happy Birthday to Mr Awkward Man, Zimin!

14 Days till ESAs. Arghhh.

12 May 2010

Medical Appliances


Stethoscope finally arrived into my hands today! I have finally now able to listen to heart beats (auscultation) properly without having to struggle with the painful university ones.

I shall be having fun practicing Blood Pressure with my voluntary friends soon. Meanwhile revision is progressing well with my reflective essay done. Alhamdulillahh.


Littmann's Classic II S.E Sthetoscope

Signatured by yours truly!


8 May 2010

Okay seriously

Even if I don't show that I'm pissed off or hurt or jauh hati, I hate it when people take advantage of that. It just hurts.

Maybe I should be selfish once in a while. Like properly selfish.

Ya Allah, berikan ku kesabaran...

Still 23 Days Till ESAs.

A Different Profession

I offered to cut two of my friends' hair today.

A chair was set in the middle of the living room, surrounded by newspapers on the floor. Armed with new sets of styling scissors, I wrapped up my clients with a towel and started off.

It turned out... to be... well not bad. Hahaha. It was okay for me, but people's comments weren't that amazing. Hahaha baie =op Although, Adam did look like he was before and Qidah just had a shorter fringe. So basically, I just trimmed their hair.

Um so you be the judge. HAHA.

23 Days till ESAs.

5 May 2010


"Thinking of what you are doing while you are doing it"
(Schon DA, 1987)

Currently trying very very hard on making a Reflective Essay for this Inter-Proffesional Education. We need to explain what happen, analyze why it happens and it's relationships so that we can understand and then applying this to the future if needed.


It's not that I don't know what to say. I have TOO MANY things to say, and don't know where to position them. It doesn't make it easy when you're missing someone too.

One thing's for sure. Team work is essential if you want to work as a Health Care Worker.

Not easy being a medical student. In fact, it's not easy being a student at all. Hahaha. We just have to do our best at what we're interested in.

26 days till ESAs (End of Semester Assessments)

4 May 2010

Maybe Back Again


Hi guys. I think it is very obvious that I have not blogged in ages!! I was trying to find a nice blog skin / template or what ever you might want to call it. Hehe. Sucks finding the perfect one, yet it still doesn't match what you desire. Yeapp, human's are selfish.

Makes me want to be a geek and learn to do this html, xml shit. I don't even know what that means. You guys who know, you are AWESOME. So I'll take my time making this blog look nice=o)

I have been quite busy these days. Just got back from Brunei last week, had a test today having an afternoon class in addition to a morning one tomorrow. So haha.

An idea had dawned upon me of making this blog as an update of what I learn in my course. It may be just one interesting fact of the day, or of the week. We'll see how it goes.

I'm saying that cause I know of how much of a "hangat hangat tahi ayam" I can be. Hahah.
