4 May 2010

Maybe Back Again


Hi guys. I think it is very obvious that I have not blogged in ages!! I was trying to find a nice blog skin / template or what ever you might want to call it. Hehe. Sucks finding the perfect one, yet it still doesn't match what you desire. Yeapp, human's are selfish.

Makes me want to be a geek and learn to do this html, xml shit. I don't even know what that means. You guys who know, you are AWESOME. So I'll take my time making this blog look nice=o)

I have been quite busy these days. Just got back from Brunei last week, had a test today having an afternoon class in addition to a morning one tomorrow. So haha.

An idea had dawned upon me of making this blog as an update of what I learn in my course. It may be just one interesting fact of the day, or of the week. We'll see how it goes.

I'm saying that cause I know of how much of a "hangat hangat tahi ayam" I can be. Hahah.



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